When it comes to work and business, consistency is vital. The term comes from Latin and means standing with. It is a nurturing we give ourselves in terms of systematically repeating action in order to accomplish an objective.

Today, life seems easier thanks to technology. Stress is the bogeyman that kills slowly. Consistency is the cure for the tediousness and boredom of routine. In itself, routine isn’t bad, it’s actually the warhorse of consistency. Waking up at the same time helps create a habit that, in turn, reduces stress.

When routine habits are not correlated with pursuing a long-term goal, things get out of hand, and routine becomes difficult to maintain. It is fundamental to first find your purpose, or ikigai, by experimenting.

Our modern lives are about achieving things rapidly and without sweating. It is totally unreal that successful people have achieved their position without giving all they have. Patience, strategy, and consistency are at the base of solid growth. It is impossible to nourish our dreams by working only when we feel them. Consistent training is required to shape the mind and body into a certain professional figure. Nothing happens by chance.

The concept of consistency is like a relationship between two people. The more you feed it with good intentions and honest research on the other one, the stronger the link getsĀ until they become the same entity.

If you really want to become that type of person, take consistent and gradual steps by improving a little bit every day. The evolution of yourself in terms of mindset and character will be your reward. You wouldn’t need to demonstrate it to anyone. The facts would speak for themselves.

Eventually, time goes on independently from our everyday choices. It is what we do today that makes the difference. Are you ready to change things?