When it comes to decision-making, it is vital to trust your inner signals or intuition and find a way to transform it into something more tangible.

  1. The first step would be to accept what you are feeling without denying its presence. When we ignore our inner stimuli, there is a tendency to get mental and isolate what we think, the imagination, from what we feel.
    This may lead to an uncertain situation where our reality is built on abstraction rather than perception of the surroundings. Eventually, what we feel is reality, not what we think of it.
    Once you accept it, you allow yourself to listen to these inner signals. This brings us to the next point.
  2. The second step would be to realise the nature of such signals. Is it positive and constructive, or the opposite? Does it have nasty or cool feelings? Is it saying to stop or ignore, to push forward and proceed? To interpret someone’s inner language requires active listening. Once we realise to which side these perceptions belong, we can lead ourselves in that direction without further hesitation. It is important to determine the right direction and keep pursuing it according to plans.
  3. The third step consists of interpreting the signal. Transforming it into effective communication. Here, there are infinite possible ways of converting reusable information. One suggested way is to write things down. Consistently writing on a blog helps develop that introspective and inquisitive sight that makes the difference on the market, where everything seems the same.

The overall character and presence of a business depend on the person who runs it. To train one’s team to be strong also means to train them to nourish their inner sight and inner ears. Eventually, everyone is capable of self-improvement and development, without exception.