Talking about priorities also involves fixing deadlines. Deadlines are important because they act against procrastination and help to focus on prioritised tasks one by one. Something that every businessman or businesswoman would love is to deal with their work peacefully without hastily running after projects. On one hand, there is the paradise of the task without a deadline, and that could point to one’s skill growth or overtaking one’s limit previously fixed.

War-Peace swing

The concept of scheduling an appointment or a deadline is crucial to every business. Priorities change according to schedules, and also the other way around. A work project deadline works as a pulling point or gravitational point that attracts you towards its centre. That’s a good strategy to stay grounded and bring new energy to the business, particularly for those who struggle to find self-motivation. When starting a project, it is important to fix the span of time by which the job must be completed in order to organise the business routine. It is vital to not lose grip on the spirit of your business and schedule time for technical self-growth. 
Is it useful to learn that new skill, even if it is not completely related to my next deadline? Where can I find the information? Are they free?

Moving limits up

Working on our personal achievements and learning keeps us motivated and lightens the burden of deadline stress. A reward may be expected when we break our own limits. Limits are initially important to understand the road and see clearly where it is heading. Once reached, we need to give the new ones a step forward in order to keep growing and learning. It is important to not forget why we started. Creating a challenging routine may sound contradictory, but it can help us stay healthy, especially in societies where comfort belongs to everyone.