To get straight to the point using few concept belongs to few. Being synthethic and coincise while speaking or writing is essential for a good communication. A clear and simple communication inspire trust. As a sculptur extract the artwork from any material by removing it’s excess, so while communicating any concept in any type of […]

You can keep your business alive or make it grow if there is a constant effort on your side towards some goals. Everyone establishes priorities, either willingly or unwillingly, because it is at the base of how we work. Once you understand your goals, it is a good habbit to focus on different tasks at […]

Simple things are the best because they can reach a greater number of users and require low effort to understand. Translated, everybody likes it. If the content is well structured, not trivial, and targeted in its context, it can have a great impact on someone’s business. It can work for blog posts, a business mentality, or […]

We are always at the mercy of questions that warn us against the genuineness of the content we are sharing. In the previous post, we were wondering how could harmful content that is disconnected from the rest of the business blog could be. Does it make sense to share ideas unrelated to the rest of […]

Sometimes we do not even require a computer to carry on with our business in digital form on the internet. So why on earth should I need a website with WordPress? There are many factors that contribute to managing a website.

When a service of any kind is provided, one inevitably collides with the dilemma of providing the right information to the customer for correct use of the product or service offered. Because the end user will have to make good use of it. At least that’s what everyone hopes. Today, providing the classic instruction booklet […]

It is well known that the individuals that make up a society are collective beings, which in fact constantly need reciprocal interaction with other individuals. Technology today makes it possible to create and maintain contacts with society, precisely enhancing communication. Many avant-garde cities, such as London in the United Kingdom for example, have integrated technology […]

Pareto’s law states that 80% of the efforts in a project yield 20% and vice versa. That is, most of the efforts used to complete a particular project generate only a fifth of the real results. So one might ask, but what is that 20% that allows me to obtain the vast majority of results? […]

Given that each individual has to deal first with himself and then with the external environment, from the moment we wake up, it can be seen that the mind is the main factor that determines the daily choices we make. An altered mind and emotional state will determine choices that are not aligned with the […]

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