Animals are an intersting way to awaken this dormient power within us. They are infact totally connected to the ecosystem they are immersed. On the contrary we humans may find ourselves sometimes disconnected from it. Mainly also because of the excessive thinking. How to stop thinking without the help of mantras or gurus? Well, nature […]


A routine gives us the right comfort to focus our energy on a specific activity. On the contrary, the routine also create a sort of repetitivity that may create a vicious loop. It could be come difficult to get out of it because mascheraded by the comfort. We could prefer to work always from the […]

Why do we overthink? Is it a healty habbit? How to deal with it? Not everyone is the same. Usually those who enjoy the mental activity tend to lose the perception of the reality, while navigating in their own thoughts. When you think, in fact, you are not in the present moment. You tend to […]

A thinking that regenerates our mindset by feeling the emptiness


Being valuable for your own reasons is a very precious concept that can unleash full human power.

There are certain rules to follow in society. Usually such rules tend to conform, individuals creating stereotypes. Stereotypes give the perception of being accepted by society. The acceptance is basically imaginary. It is a self-sustaining input-output concept. Those who do understand it will eventually see which rules apply and which one is redundant.

The importance of always standing by your side is crucial when it comes to developing a charismatic character. The only person we have always dealt with and will always be there is ourselves. There is an exchange of information between the body and the mind. The stimuli passing from an outer core to a more inner one can be either listened to or ignored. 

Making decisions takes you to embrace certain paths and keep following them if you recognise them as yours. In the building phase, it may be a start-up business or a relationship, sometimes decisions are taken even though some uncertainities. If the responsibilities undertaken allow you to take a step back without losing confidence in yourself, to retrace your steps may save precious time and energy.

Have you ever paid attention if you get impressed by beauty or do you enjoy it?
There is a subtle difference between the two. When you get impressed by something or someone beautiful, you have a passive attitude. There is a dominion over the beautiful object or person upon you.

We can usually control the tone of voice, the movements of a hand, the speed of a car. What about mental activity? Can we somewhat interfere with what happens at a mental level?

When reality kicks in, there is space for evolution. The fundamental concept that it is hard to master is that what is in our minds is mere imagination and does not exist. What is put into action becomes reality. It is a very subtle difference but extremely important. 

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