Given that each individual has to deal first with himself and then with the external environment, from the moment we wake up, it can be seen that the mind is the main factor that determines the daily choices we make. An altered mind and emotional state will determine choices that are not aligned with the most original part of oneself.
This will have repercussions on one’s ability to feel good about oneself and, therefore, on one’s ability to express one’s abilities in a specific profession. It is therefore not so much the fact of not being able to carry out the tasks due to a lack of skills, but more the way they are carried out and with what spirit one lives them.
In the vast majority of cases, when things don’t work out, we try to change external factors, over which we have little control. But in order to be able to carry out a working career and live it in a more serene way, it is essential to act on ourselves, on our character and personality, over which we have a higher degree of control.
We hear every day about pollution caused by plastics, cars, light or noise pollution. All these types of pollution are chain reactions following a basic pollution that arises in us. An internally polluted person will have thoughts and actions that project that chaos outward, creating pollution. He will not use the raw materials around him to the right extent, i.e., he will take either too little or too much, because he will not realise how much of it is really needed, or when it is appropriate to use it or not. A sort of separation between the internal environment that regulates the functions and the external one.
The same will apply to relationships with other people. You will not immediately notice when a relationship is harmful or does not lead to anything good. It is essential to reduce the pollution that pollutes our inner core, from which all our functions emanate. Now we ask ourselves, what is the use of cleaning the inside of ourselves if the stimuli come from the outside? And then, clean it from what?
From all the false identifications and expectations that constantly wear us down. For example, if I’m waiting to do a job interview, I’ll try to prepare myself as best I can to be able to pass it and be hired. So I will have to respect a sort of code that distinguishes between a person who questions and one who is questioned. I took on the second role. This obviously only applies for the short duration of the interview itself, after which everything will go back to the way it was. Now this new look can be seen as a polluting element, that is, it alters the natural state of internal things. It can therefore create discomfort and a sense of falsehood. It’s completely normal.
So all those who feel a sense of repulsion for this mechanism, in reality, report that evidently their original part rejects a compromised story, or rather that of interrogated fingers, and submits to that temporary torture of the interview. This example is great for understanding if you really want to pursue a career as a self-employed person. Sounds, images, and relationships are all concepts of external situations, but it is our body’s internal reaction to these stimuli that determines and creates our reality. It could be said that we ourselves are the creators of what happens.
If we manage to reprogram the reaction to external stimuli in order to reset the incorrect mechanical responses, we are able to reprogram how reality appears to us. In other words, we are able to start a new life because the way we react to external things changes. And one might ask why should we alter things as they are? Why would we need to start seeing the world differently?
There’s something wrong with our lifestyle, and it doesn’t favour our ability to concentrate at work. We realise it, but we can’t figure it out. Starting to see things with other eyes can be a good start to finding your essence, original part, or core, on which to build a brilliant new career. In this way, all the emanations of our being will be original and unique. There will no longer be the problem of finding resources because we will always be in touch with the source of authenticity in everything we do. Especially in the workplace.